9-Letter Nouns Containing IND

Here's the list of all the 151 9-Letter Nouns Containing IND in the English Language.

The list is arranged by the word lengths. Click on the length below to jump to the relevant section of the page.

Common Nouns (with Definitions and Examples)
1. a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes as a function of time
2. a signal for attracting attention
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1. a formal entry into an organization or position or office
2. an electrical phenomenon whereby an electromotive force (EMF) is generated in a closed circuit by a change in the flow of current
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1. something left after other parts have been taken away
2. the part of the dividend that is left over when the dividend is not evenly divisible by the divisor
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1. the state of being blind or lacking sight
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1. protection against future loss
2. legal exemption from liability for damages
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9-Letter Nouns Containing IND