11-Letter Words Ending With RD

Here's the list of all the 35 11-Letter Words Ending With RD in the English Language.

The list is arranged by the word lengths. Click on the length below to jump to the relevant section of the page.

Common Words (with Definitions and Examples)
1. telephone central where circuits are completed with patchcords
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1. (mythology) the spirit of thunder and lightning believed by some Native Americans to take the shape of a great bird
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1. tiny American bird having brilliant iridescent plumage and long slender bills; wings are specialized for vibrating flight
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1. long-tailed grey-and-white songbird of the southern United States able to mimic songs of other birds
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1. a flexible board for jumping upward
2. a beginning from which an enterprise is launched
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1. falling short of some prescribed norm
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1. a clavier with strings that are plucked by plectra mounted on pivots
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1. not conforming to the language usage of a prestige group within a community
2. varying from or not adhering to a standard
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1. a guidepost resembling a hand with a pointing index finger
2. a bank of keys on a musical instrument
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1. a collection containing a variety of sorts of things
2. an assortment of foods starting with herring or smoked eel or salmon etc with bread and butter; then cheeses and eggs and pickled vegetables and aspics; finally hot foods; served as a buffet meal
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11-Letter Words Ending With RD