9-Letter Words Starting With OR

Here's the list of all the 103 9-Letter Words Starting With OR in the English Language.

The list is arranged by the word lengths. Click on the length below to jump to the relevant section of the page.

Common Words (with Definitions and Examples)
1. formed into a structured or coherent whole, particularly on a large scale
2. methodical and efficient in arrangement or function
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1. a musical organization consisting of a group of instrumentalists including string players
2. seating on the main floor in a theater
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1. an authoritative command
2. a statute enacted by a city government
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1. a person who brings order and organization to an enterprise
2. someone who enlists workers to join a union
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1. being a member of or formed into a labor union
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1. someone who enlists workers to join a union
2. a person who brings order and organization to an enterprise
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1. come into existence; take on form or shape
2. bring into being
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1. the quality of being orthodox (especially in religion)
2. a belief or orientation agreeing with conventional standards
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1. the condition of being a child without living parents
2. a public institution for the care of orphans
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1. an amino acid that does not occur in proteins but is important in the formation of urea
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1. large long-armed ape of Borneo and Sumatra having arboreal habits
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1. positioning with respect to a reference system or determining your bearings physically or intellectually
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1. a specialized part of a cell; analogous to an organ
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9-Letter Words Starting With OR