7-Letter Nouns Containing NER

Here's the list of all the 196 7-Letter Nouns Containing NER in the English Language.

The list is arranged by the word lengths. Click on the length below to jump to the relevant section of the page.

Common Nouns (with Definitions and Examples)
1. a general officer of the highest rank
2. the head of a religious order or congregation
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1. a person's partner in marriage
2. an associate in an activity or endeavor or sphere of common interest
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1. wine that does not meet the minimum qualifications and standards for use of a designation by appellation of origin (where the grapes are grown) or by varietal content; may only be labeled by proprietary (made-up) name, by general color (such as `vin rouge', `vino rosso', `rotwein', `red wine', etc.), or by general class (as `vin ordinaire', `vin de table', `vino da tavola', `tafelwein', `table wine', etc.)
2. any product that can be sold without a brand name
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1. a ceremony at which a dead person is buried or cremated
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1. someone who scans verse to determine the number and prosodic value of the syllables
2. an electronic device that generates a digital representation of an image for data input to a computer
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1. a preparation used in cleaning something
2. the operator of dry-cleaning establishment
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1. solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition
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1. a person who makes plans
2. a notebook for recording appointments and things to be done, etc.
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1. one who trains other persons or animals
2. simulator consisting of a machine on the ground that simulates the conditions of flying a plane
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1. the painted structures of a stage set that are intended to suggest a particular locale
2. the appearance of a place
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1. someone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs
2. works for an expert to learn a trade
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1. the working together of two things (muscles or drugs for example) to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects
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1. social deportment
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1. a person who prepares or deals in animal skins
2. a worker who drives mules
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1. a man who serves as a sailor
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1. someone who spins (who twists fibers into threads)
2. board game equipment that consists of a dial and an arrow that is spun to determine the next move in the game
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1. a disposition to remain inactive or inert
2. (physics) the tendency of a body to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force
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1. a diluting agent
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1. a public official who investigates by inquest any death not due to natural causes
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1. a hand tool that is used to hold or twist a nut or bolt
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1. fine woodwork done by a joiner
2. the craft of a joiner
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1. the driver of a wagon
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1. a factory where food is canned
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1. one whose work is to refine a specific thing
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1. someone who picks up grain left in the field by the harvesters
2. someone who gathers something in small pieces (e.g. information) slowly and carefully
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1. workplace where skins and hides are tanned
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1. the official residence of a dean
2. the position or office of a dean
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1. guns collectively
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1. the convent of a community of nuns
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1. a very attractive or seductive looking woman
2. an unexpected and amazing event
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1. a singer of popular ballads
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7-Letter Nouns Containing NER