7-Letter Nouns Ending With GER

Here's the list of all the 82 7-Letter Nouns Ending With GER in the English Language.

The list is arranged by the word lengths. Click on the length below to jump to the relevant section of the page.

Common Nouns (with Definitions and Examples)
1. someone who controls resources and expenditures
2. (sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team
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1. a person who keeps and updates a blog
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1. formerly a strong swift horse ridden into battle
2. a device that can hold a rechargeable battery by means of an electrical cable
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1. any of the natural numbers (positive or negative) or zero
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youngerMore Definitions →
1. lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun
2. a device that activates or releases or causes something to happen
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1. a traveler to a distant land (especially one who travels by sea)
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1. a person who changes something
2. an automatic mechanical device on a record player that causes new records to be played without manual intervention
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1. a person who operates a farm
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1. someone who takes vengeance
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1. a cocktail made of made of creme de menthe and brandy
2. a remark capable of wounding mentally
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1. someone who risks losses for the possibility of considerable gains
2. someone who dives (into water)
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1. (baseball) a ballplayer who is batting
2. a boxer noted for an ability to deliver hard punches
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1. a person who uses a sling to throw something
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1. an unsteady uneven gait
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1. someone who wastes time
2. an armchair whose back can be lowered and foot can be raised to allow the sitter to recline in it
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1. any of numerous New World woodland birds having brightly colored males
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1. an itinerant Australian laborer who carries his personal belongings in a bundle as he travels around in search of work
2. a proud stiff pompous gait
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1. a widow holding property received from her deceased husband
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7-Letter Nouns Ending With GER