7-Letter Nouns Ending With IC

Here's the list of all the 89 7-Letter Nouns Ending With IC in the English Language.

The list is arranged by the word lengths. Click on the length below to jump to the relevant section of the page.

Common Nouns (with Definitions and Examples)
1. a creation of the highest excellence
2. an artist who has created classic works
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1. the aggregation of things (pedestrians or vehicles) coming and going in a particular locality during a specified period of time
2. buying and selling; especially illicit trade
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1. generic name for certain synthetic or semisynthetic materials that can be molded or extruded into objects or films or filaments or used for making e.g. coatings and adhesives
2. a card (usually plastic) that assures a seller that the person using it has sufficient means of payment and that the issuer will see to it that the seller receives payment for the merchandise delivered
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1. an image that is generated by a computer
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1. an efficient incentive
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1. wine that does not meet the minimum qualifications and standards for use of a designation by appellation of origin (where the grapes are grown) or by varietal content; may only be labeled by proprietary (made-up) name, by general color (such as `vin rouge', `vino rosso', `rotwein', `red wine', etc.), or by general class (as `vin ordinaire', `vin de table', `vino da tavola', `tafelwein', `table wine', etc.)
2. any product that can be sold without a brand name
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1. a fertilizer that is derived from animal or vegetable matter
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chronicMore Definitions →
1. an artifact made of hard brittle material produced from nonmetallic minerals by firing at high temperatures
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1. polymerized from acrylonitrile
2. a glassy thermoplastic; can be cast and molded or used in coatings and adhesives
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1. a plant that lives in or on water
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numericMore Definitions →
1. a person apparently sensitive to things beyond the natural range of perception
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1. a narrow band of elastic rubber used to hold things (such as papers) together
2. a fabric made of yarns containing an elastic material
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1. a white powdered poisonous trioxide of arsenic; used in manufacturing glass and as a pesticide (rat poison) and weed killer
2. a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and in various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar
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1. any of numerous small green nonvascular plants of the class Hepaticopsida growing in wet places and resembling green seaweeds or leafy mosses
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drasticMore Definitions →
1. a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause)
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1. a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location
2. a plant that is native to a certain limited area
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botanicMore Definitions →
1. an insane person
2. a reckless impetuous irresponsible person
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erraticMore Definitions →
1. someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs
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1. any chemical substance that burns or destroys living tissue
2. the envelope of light rays reflected or refracted by a curved surface or object
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1. a person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church
2. a person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field (not merely religion)
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sapphicMore Definitions →
pelagicMore Definitions →
1. a water enema given to flush out the colon
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caloricMore Definitions →
gnosticMore Definitions →
entericMore Definitions →
asepticMore Definitions →
1. a writer who argues in opposition to others (especially in theology)
2. a controversy (especially over a belief or dogma)
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1. someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline
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sciaticMore Definitions →
1. a class of synthetic detergents in which the molecules do not ionize in aqueous solutions
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1. someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs
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1. a country person
2. a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life
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7-Letter Nouns Ending With IC