Definition of PASSING

  1. (noun)(American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate
  2. (noun)euphemistic expressions for death
  3. (noun)the motion of one object relative to another
  4. (noun)the end of something
  5. (noun)a bodily reaction of changing from one place or stage to another
  6. (noun)going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it
  7. (noun)success in satisfying a test or requirement
  8. (adj)lasting a very short time
  9. (adj)allowing you to pass (e.g., an examination or inspection) satisfactorily
  10. (adj)hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
  11. (adj)of advancing the ball by throwing it
  12. (adv)to an extraordinary degree