Definition of SLUMP
- (verb)assume a drooping posture or carriage
- (verb)fall or sink heavily
- (verb)fall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly
- (verb)fall in value
- (noun)a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality
- (noun)a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment
- Words Starting With S
- Words Starting With SL
- Words Starting With SLU
- Words Starting With SLUM
- Words Starting With SLUMP
- Words Ending With P
- Words Ending With MP
- Words Ending With UMP
- Words Ending With LUMP
- Words Ending With SLUMP
- Nouns Starting With S
- Nouns Starting With SL
- Nouns Starting With SLU
- Nouns Starting With SLUM
- Nouns Starting With SLUMP
- Nouns Ending With P
- Nouns Ending With MP
- Nouns Ending With UMP
- Nouns Ending With LUMP
- Nouns Ending With SLUMP
- Verbs Starting With S
- Verbs Starting With SL
- Verbs Starting With SLU
- Verbs Starting With SLUM
- Verbs Starting With SLUMP
- Verbs Ending With P
- Verbs Ending With MP
- Verbs Ending With UMP
- Verbs Ending With LUMP
- Verbs Ending With SLUMP