9-Letter Words Containing GES

Here's the list of all the 244 9-Letter Words Containing GES in the English Language.

The list is arranged by the word lengths. Click on the length below to jump to the relevant section of the page.

Common Words (with Definitions and Examples)
1. not faint or feeble
2. having or wielding force or authority
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1. relating to or having the power to cause or promote digestion
2. any substance that promotes digestion
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1. the process of decomposing organic matter (as in sewage) by bacteria or by chemical action or heat
2. the organic process by which food is converted into substances that can be absorbed into the body
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1. the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating)
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1. the period during which an embryo develops (about 266 days in humans)
2. the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus
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9-Letter Words Containing GES