Words Containing IDOS

Here's the list of all the 48 Words Containing IDOS in the English Language.

The list is arranged by the word lengths. Click on the length below to jump to the relevant section of the page.

Common Words (with Definitions and Examples)
1. a complex pattern of constantly changing colors and shapes
2. an optical toy in a tube; it produces symmetrical patterns as bits of colored glass are reflected by mirrors
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1. (anthropology) the distinctive expression of the cognitive or intellectual character of a culture or a social group
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1. abnormally high acidity (excess hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues
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1. a chronic disease of unknown cause marked by the formation of nodules in the lungs and liver and lymph glands and salivary glands
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1. a disorder characterized by deposit of amyloid in organs or tissues; often secondary to chronic rheumatoid arthritis or tuberculosis or multiple myeloma
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5-Letter Words Containing IDOS

7-Letter Words Containing IDOS

8-Letter Words Containing IDOS

9-Letter Words Containing IDOS

10-Letter Words Containing IDOS

11-Letter Words Containing IDOS

12-Letter Words Containing IDOS

13-Letter Words Containing IDOS

14-Letter Words Containing IDOS

15-Letter Words Containing IDOS

17-Letter Words Containing IDOS