Nouns Containing LAUN

Here's the list of all the 55 Nouns Containing LAUN in the English Language.

The list is arranged by the word lengths. Click on the length below to jump to the relevant section of the page.

Common Nouns (with Definitions and Examples)
1. a motorboat with an open deck or a half deck
2. the act of propelling with force
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1. garments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering
2. workplace where clothes are washed and ironed
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1. the act of moving a newly built vessel into the water for the first time
2. the act of beginning something new
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1. washing clothes and bed linens
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1. armament in the form of a device capable of launching a rocket
2. a device that launches aircraft from a warship
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5-Letter Nouns Containing LAUN

6-Letter Nouns Containing LAUN

7-Letter Nouns Containing LAUN

8-Letter Nouns Containing LAUN

9-Letter Nouns Containing LAUN

10-Letter Nouns Containing LAUN

11-Letter Nouns Containing LAUN

12-Letter Nouns Containing LAUN

13-Letter Nouns Containing LAUN