Nouns Containing NFAL

Here's the list of all the 27 Nouns Containing NFAL in the English Language.

The list is arranged by the word lengths. Click on the length below to jump to the relevant section of the page.

Common Nouns (with Definitions and Examples)
1. water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmosphere
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1. failure that results in a loss of position or reputation
2. the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)
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infallibleMore Definitions →
1. the quality of never making an error
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Jump to Nouns by Length

6-Letter Nouns Containing NFAL

7-Letter Nouns Containing NFAL

8-Letter Nouns Containing NFAL

9-Letter Nouns Containing NFAL

10-Letter Nouns Containing NFAL

11-Letter Nouns Containing NFAL

12-Letter Nouns Containing NFAL

13-Letter Nouns Containing NFAL

14-Letter Nouns Containing NFAL

15-Letter Nouns Containing NFAL