Verbs Containing E

Here's the list of all the 47308 Verbs Containing E in the English Language.

The list is arranged by the word lengths. Click on the length below to jump to the relevant section of the page.

Common Verbs (with Definitions and Examples)
1. have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)
2. be identical to; be someone or something
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1. have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)
2. be identical to; be someone or something
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1. have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
2. have as a feature
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newMore Definitions →
1. provide with, or send to, a home
2. return home accurately from a long distance
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Jump to Verbs by Length

2-Letter Verbs Containing E

3-Letter Verbs Containing E

76 more 3-Letter Verbs Containing E →

4-Letter Verbs Containing E

798 more 4-Letter Verbs Containing E →

5-Letter Verbs Containing E

2351 more 5-Letter Verbs Containing E →

6-Letter Verbs Containing E

5485 more 6-Letter Verbs Containing E →

7-Letter Verbs Containing E

7470 more 7-Letter Verbs Containing E →

8-Letter Verbs Containing E

8087 more 8-Letter Verbs Containing E →

9-Letter Verbs Containing E

8223 more 9-Letter Verbs Containing E →

10-Letter Verbs Containing E

5857 more 10-Letter Verbs Containing E →

11-Letter Verbs Containing E

3938 more 11-Letter Verbs Containing E →

12-Letter Verbs Containing E

2402 more 12-Letter Verbs Containing E →

13-Letter Verbs Containing E

1165 more 13-Letter Verbs Containing E →

14-Letter Verbs Containing E

590 more 14-Letter Verbs Containing E →

15-Letter Verbs Containing E

275 more 15-Letter Verbs Containing E →

16-Letter Verbs Containing E

17-Letter Verbs Containing E

18-Letter Verbs Containing E

19-Letter Verbs Containing E

20-Letter Verbs Containing E

21-Letter Verbs Containing E